Monday, January 25, 2010

State of the Union

Hello All, welcome back to our political blog...

Later this week, President Obama will give his 2nd State of the Union address. After his speech the pundits will have their say about the content and quality of the speech. Your assignment is to join that discussion:

1. Prior to the speech, what will be the focus of Pres. Obama speech? What is the "state" of the Union, how will Pres. Obama see the past and future? (do some fortune telling after researching)

2. After the speech, what caught your attention? What are the pundits saying about the speech (and the "state" of our country)?

3. Has Pres. Obama kept his promises? Or is it too soon to make those type of judgements?

4. What does the speech say is Pres. Obama's priorities? What is he plannning to do during his 2nd year in office?

Answer all or any of the questions...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Foreign Policy for Mid East / South Asia

President Obama will address the Nation tonight (12/1) concerning his policy for the nine year old war in Afghanistan.

With an increase of troops, how will the President keep the public support?

Is there an endgame? What does victory look like in Afghanistan? Is it possible?

How will this policy direction impact our policies in Pakistan? Iran? India? Iraq?

Is the cost of the war (lives and money)too much? Should economics be a factor in war policy?

Should or will the international community support the policy? Is this America's war to fight?

Try to listen or watch the speech and keep an ear out for the reaction from Americans and the people of Afghanistan, Pakistan and others in the region?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Federal Government or State Government?

Our Constitution delegates powers to the Federal government and reserves powers for the States. As we discuss the structure of our Federal Republic, we need to search out examples of this structure in action. (Look for evidence of Federalism.)

When does the Federal government take action? When does State authority over-ride the Feds?

How does the Supreme Court interpret this balance?

Should States control power (legislative, economic, etc.) or should the Federal government make these decisions?

Who do you beleive should control the power of government?

Find examples in the media (newspapers, radio, YouTube, government reports/docs) where the power is being shared or dominated by the States of Federal Government.

Address one or a few of these questions...just make sure your blog post incorperates this political power sharing defined in the US Constitution.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Conservative or Progressive?

Hello All,

We have discussed during lectures concerning conservative and progressive ideology. Your ideas concerning political ideologies will change over time, if you understand why or how you (or another citizen) are thinking about politics, your foundation of political knowledge will improve.

Research a story, video, or editorial concerning politics. (post the url)

Is the issue involved a progressive or conservative ideology?

How about the source or coverage? Does the media outlet have bias toward a conservative or progressive ideology?

Good luck...